Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Judy is leaving tomorrow for the New York gift show. She'll be showing all of our new scarf, silkscreen & hat designs. So basically for the next two weeks it's just me and Sarah- hopefully we can stay motivated in all this heat. So our projects for the next two weeks are finishing up the nature themed stockings, our bright stockings, and our new blanket ordres. and if all else fails- we clean! the heat was so bad today that we had to leave by 1 just to get out of that studio. When Judy comes back she said we can celebrate my last day by going to the Vogue in Evanston that sells fabric by the bolt for wholesale. As for now i'm just hoping i can get all my hours in and stay focused with this project.

1 comment:

sarah b. said...

I'm in LOVE with our nature themed christmas products!!! They are really beautiful. I think we should market them to the shops in Michigan who sell decor for vacation homes...